Thursday, June 22, 2006

China Environmental News Digest: More Pandas in China Than First Thought [Anonymoused]

China Environmental News Digest: More Pandas in China Than First Thought [Anonymoused]:
"Thursday, June 22, 2006

More Pandas in China Than First Thought


The Associated Press Via Washingtonpst
Wednesday, June 21, 2006; 6:18 PM

A zoological expert examines a sick 15-year-old giant panda near a reservoir in Ya'an in southwest China's Sichuan Province on March 20, 2006. A group of scientists from Britain and China using DNA sampling have doubled their estimate of the wild panda population in Wanglang Nature Reserve, a southwestern Chinese sanctuary, saying that bodes well for the survival of one of the world's best-loved endangered species. (AP Photo/Color China Photo)

SHANGHAI, China -- Scientists using DNA samples have doubled their estimates of the wild panda population in a nature sanctuary in China, a finding they say bodes well for the survival of the endangered species.

The researchers believe between 66 and 72 pandas are living in the Wanglang Nature Reserve _ more than twice the previous estimate of 32, said Wei Fumin, a zoologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The scientists arrived at the estimates by taking samples of panda droppings in the reserve and developing genetic profiles, said Wei, who was a member of the research team.

The rising numbers are likely the result of natural population growth, migration from other areas and a logging ban aimed at preserving panda habitat, he said Wednesday.

"We're really seeing these policies start to have an effect," Wei said.

Results of the research, conducted by a joint British-Chinese team, were published in Tuesday's edition of the journal Current Biology.

Despite the rising numbers in Wanglang, Wei said it was too early to say whether similar studies in other preserves would show a higher overall number for China's wild panda population, now estimated at about 1,600.

"There could be other factors at work in different places," he said.

The Worldwide Fund for Nature, which uses a panda in its logo, said the findings were "a positive sign."

"We are thrilled by this new study," said Olivier van Bogaert, spokesman for the Switzerland-based group, known as the World Wildlife Fund in the United States.

He urged continued vigilance. "There are still very low numbers of pandas in the wild. Even if this study might prove that there are more than we thought, the number of pandas is still very low. All the measures that are being taken to protect their habitat need to be enforced and implemented further. Deforestation and habitat loss are still issues that we need to tackle."

Study author Michael Bruford, of Cardiff University in Wales, said the environment at Wanglang wasn't significantly different from China's 40 other panda sanctuaries, indicating there could be many more pandas than previously believed.

And while conservation programs were clearly working, the degree of genetic diversity uncovered at Wanglang seems to indicate panda numbers never fell as low as had been thought, Bruford said.

The researchers said they don't expect their findings to dampen China's enthusiasm for assisted breeding, which has proven effective in boosting the numbers of captive pandas.

Bruford said the field work, carried out by graduate student Zhan Xiangjiang, was arduous, not only due to the mountainous terrain but also because of the need to obtain fresh samples for DNA analysis.

"Once panda feces change from green to brown, we know we've had it," he said.

A separate Chinese team developed the DNA testing method, testifying to Chinese scientists' rising prominence in the field of genetics.

Wei said the new methodology also sheds light on little-known aspects of panda life, such as their family ties, geographic dispersal, age distribution and mating and migration habits.

Samples taken at Wanglang showed considerable genetic diversity, implying robust numbers of pandas and considerable migration in and out of the 123-square-mile preserve in the mountains of Sichuan province in southwestern China.

"Pandas are very hard to study and there's a lot to be known other than just their population," he said.

Further research using DNA sampling is to be carried out this year in another key panda preserve, in Foping in Shaanxi province to the east of Wanglang, Wei said."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

WWF - More panda protection in China

WWF - More panda protection in China: "China’s State Forestry Administration and the Shaanxi provincial government have committed to protecting a giant panda population in the rugged Qinling Mountains in central China."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


The best of the blogs from the Paradise Forests: "Papua New Guinea — The Paradise Forests weblog features contributions from international volunteers at the Global Forest Rescue Station in Lake Murray, a remote area in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. Our campaigners and activists on board our flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, also sent through blogs, as they sailed around the region on 'Forest Crime Patrol'."
"PNG landowner Brian Barring contributed blogs as he travelled through Europe and the UK, spreading the word about the situation in his homeland. The UK and EU countries are also big consumers of illegally logged timber products."
The weblog brings the fight to save the Paradise Forests to life. It draws us in to the Lake Murray community. We share the commitment of the volunteers and the joy of the landowners as their shared dream – to establish sustainable, small-scale, eco-forestry projects – became a reality. "

Chine - Environnement

Libération : La Chine se détruit à force de trop croître: "«La tendance d'une dégradation croissante de l'environnement n'a pas été contrôlée efficacement», estime un Livre blanc sur la protection de l'environnement (1996-2005) publié hier par Pékin."

c'est pour répéter ce que disent depuis des années les ONG comme le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF). Peng Lei, le responsable Chine du WWF, expliquait le mois dernier que «la Chine, pays en développement, poursuit un modèle de développement qui n'est pas tenable». Pékin «sacrifie son environnement», accusait-il.

WWF - Funds running dry on World Environment Day

WWF - Funds running dry on World Environment Day: "Sadly, each year this day comes and goes without much fanfare, leaving the state of the world’s environment ever more precarious. But this year, World Environment Day may in fact mark a retreat from international funding for conservation.

Today, the planet is facing an unprecedented increase in global temperatures. The rate of deforestation continues at a rapid pace. Threats to species are at an all time high. Ocean fisheries are being pushed to their limits. And deserts and the process of desertification — the theme of this year’s World Environment Day — is worsening."

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sustainable logging failing to save forests - News

New Scientist Premium- Sustainable logging failing to save forests - News: "Twenty years of international pledges and environmental campaigning have barely improved the state of the world's tropical forests, according to the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of how forests are being managed.

The embarrassing admission comes from the International Tropical Timber Organization, the Japan-based agency set up in 1986 by the producers and consumers of tropical timber to promote 'sustainable' forestry. Its members include governments in charge of four-fifths of the world's tropical forests. After 20 years of activity, however, the ITTO concedes that only 3 per cent of tropical forests meet its own standards of good management."

content of the full article is not free